Tuesday, April 19, 2011

TOP 10 proposals

  1. Hector Porrata- I agree with him, since we are the future of this world and we have to pay the concecuences of the olders chosices we should have the right to vote and make our own decisions.
  2. Paulette- Older people after certain age shoudnt be allowed to drive, these people can cause many accidents unconciently and they risk their lifes innocently. Many of the elderly people are blind sight.
  3. Alysha- Handicap people shoudnt be descriminated. They are strong people who had to fight with themselves in order to succeed. No one is perfect and has its defects, but their are different.
  4. Stephanie Ruiz- I really liked her proposal; it was very direct and realistic. Females should be treated just like men, today men and women do the same jobs.
  5. Mykaella- She has a good point if you see it from the gay's perspective. They are human being just like everyone, except that that like people from their same sex and that is no good reason to descriminate them, because it's their life and for being with someone from their same sex they arent hurting no one.
  6. Albert- I totally agree with him. Color shoudnt be the reason to set people apart. No one chooses what color of skin they want to be born with.
  7. Celimar- people who immigrate to the U.S. are treated very bad and they just move to the U.S. looking for a better way of life. I agree with her proposal, because they just want to succeed in life and they are not affecting the U.S. instead they are doing a favor to them, working har and they should receive a higher payment like they deserve.
  8. Jan Paul- his proposal is very realistic and I liked that. I agree with him, because Veterans should be rewarded since they risk their lifes to serve the nation.
  9. Andy- I really learned a lot about catholics in his blog. I never imagined they werent allowed to purchase land, hold civil or military offices or seats in Parliament, inherit property just for being Catholic.
  10. Elsa- I never thought of it before but her proposal is true. Japanese people are allowed to live in the U.S. legally, but are not treated equally eventhough the Bill of Rights states that "all citizens are to be treated equally". Everyone should deserve the same treatment no matter from where you are.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Criminal Amendment Proposal

     Many criminals have to face sexual, mental, and physical abuse from other criminals living with them. Others who take control and are the leaders of the gang take advantage of the new criminals and treat them like they want; if they refuse they torture them and even threaten them to death. Criminals at jail dont have privacy; not even at bathrooms.
     My proposal consists of making it better. Every criminal would have its own private room and bathroom. They would be observed 24 hours with recording cameras. Depending on their behavior they would have the privilege of choosing where to eat, see movies, read, etc. I would put this criminals to work for what they are getting. They would have the choice to work in construction and helping to clean the roads or going to the army for a period of time. This way these criminals would always going to be doing something and wont have time to do silly stuff like; murdering people for no reason, committing suicide, raping others.
     There would be a very less percentage of deaths. Criminals wont return to jail again, since they would learn how to work hard and wont see jail as a good and easy place to live. Remember; if you make it better everything would be better.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Change in Criminal Rights

     Criminals have been around for an entire life. Many of them have pay for something they never did, others have been never caught. In the past, criminals could not give an opinion or argue on the judges decision. People was afraid of the court and thought it was better to agree with it.
     In past centuries, criminals didn't had the right of a fair trial, like they have know; they had two options or they confess, blame other people or they were put in to jail and later be killed. Many of those criminals were sentenced, because they dint knew how to defend themselves or to manage how and when to say the right thing. Today, everyone has the right to have a judge no matter what is your economic status. When people have been accused or caught by a police officer they have the right to stay silent. If these people say anything it could be used against them. Today, if they don't like the judges decision and there is no proof you have the right to have another trial; this would cost more to the person since they have to pay its defender for fighting to obtain this. Criminals who have been sentenced to be put in jail have the right to ask for more privileges at jail or ask to accomplish their sentence in their homes; these is done to the high status people.
     In the past, criminals didn't had so much options if they were caught doing something wrong. Today they have many privileges in which they need to know how to take advantage of them in order to succeed. Many of these criminals still are discriminated by society; even though they are not in jail anymore.
criminal rights info.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Struggle and Activism of Criminal Rights

        Ironically criminal justice is not always fair. There are great officers and terrible ones, judges who are too strict, and judges who are too flexible. There are also very skilled and talented lawyers, and very unorganized lawyers. The laws in the U.S. are unfair to minority populations, since most of these people are poor and dont have so much money to spend on top lawyers.
       Criminals who are sent free don't have the same opportunities as a person who has not gone to jail. Many of this criminals have been discriminated when they go to find a job. Discrimination in a job is not allowed by the International Labour Organisation Convention 111. It is not discrimination if a person’s criminal record states that it is unable to do a particular job. Some industries are legally obliged to deny employment to people with certain types of criminal records. These people who have been denied from a job can go to court and fight for their rights. The court would decide wether your type of criminal record can obtain the job or not. If your case cannot be resolved and the judge finds that there has been a violation of your human rights or that workplace discrimination has occurred,the judge can do a report for the federal Attorney-General.
     Everyone deserves a second opportunity, no one is perfect and everybody makes mistakes. Criminals who are free make a new life or keep living the same life as before and return to jail. Most of them who decide to make a new life start by finding a job; looking for success. If the head master don't give these people the opportunity of an employment there is a high percentage that they would return to their old lives again.



Thursday, April 7, 2011

Criminals Oppression

      Being oppressed or mistreated goes against the law. Ironically oppression is mostly caused by officials. Criminals have been mistreated with verbal and physical violence. Many of them have been abused or threatened to death innocently.
     Officials have mistreated many criminals with violence. Most of this criminals have been victims of their abuse; they have been mistreated innocently due to confusion. Many of these "criminals" go to jail knowing they are innocent. Officials tend to arrest people or accuse them just for anything they think is wrong; without any warning. People who have been oppressed by officials don't complain.They prefer  to forget about it and move on than having the police as their enemies or than having a case that would last for ever. Those who report the officials  find that the police departments are self-protective and that at end nothing would be done in their benefit. Criminals at jail face officials abuse every day, the police treats them violently for no reason or maybe just because they have been put in jail. The majority of the criminals in the U.S. are native american men; they occupy 70% of the population in jails.
     Many officials act in a violent way with people to gain respect and to defend; there are many other ways to gain respect others than with violence. Some of these people who are being mistreated are innocent of what they are being accused. People prefer to forget about it than having a case that won't conclude into something beneficial for them.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

U.S. Criminal Rights

     Criminal Rights had been made to secure the people's safety and to create justice for everyone. This system was mostly influenced by religion in the seventeenth's century. The U.S. Criminal Justice System has a theory that states that "those who have been accused are going to be innocent until proven guilty".
   Today, the U.S. Criminal Justice System has more general laws for the benefit of every one. Everything that happens on a jury would be recorded and would stay it the court; like a secret, also judges are required to treat each person equally. The U.S. Criminal Justice System is divided in two branches: the states and the federal branch; they both work together to make justice for criminals and victims of crimes. U.S. constitutional Bill of Rights is made of specific laws for criminals based on British abuses; this laws are called amendments. This amendments were created by the first congress, James Madison, in 1789. They were made to stop the federal government from limiting the citizens rights.
     Criminal Justice System began on the seventeenth's century. Everyone who has been accused is going to be innocent until proven guilty. Everything that happens on a jury would be recorded and would stay it the court. At the end the judges would decide if the person is guilty or innocent and if guilty, and their punishment. The U.S. constitutional Bill of Rights is made of specific laws for criminals; to stop the federal government from limiting their rights. According to Census: in 1990 there were 773,919 criminals in the U.S. compared to the 2008 there were 1,609,606; this means that the number of criminals have been increasing each year more and more.
