Friday, March 25, 2011

Classmates' Blogs

  1. Arshad: I really liked this post, because I learned about the native americans assimilation; how they had to chance their names, beleive in christianity, and coudnt go against the whites. Native americans coudn't own weaponds and they were obligated to cut their long hair.
  2. Stephanie Ruiz: This post made me realize that the best way for native americans was to assimilate into the white culture. Many problems occured but at the end everyone got what they wanted.
  3. Hector Porrata: This blog is very interesting; because it is about how the white pople wanted to take over Soiux. They forced them to move to smalls camps by useing violence, and tried to assimilate them. Whites had no say, they were forced to do everything the whites wanted.
  4. Carlos: I liked his blog, becouse it was about all the things that the white pople made to native americans. Whites killed many innocent native americans just for a pieaceof land that wasnt even fertile.This shoudnt had happened if they couldjust listen to the native americans.
  5. Keven: This post showed me how native americans were abussed. The white pople took every thing form tthe native americans like it it belonged to them. they dindnt cared how many pople they had to kill to acheive their goal that was taking everything the native americans had.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Whites Gain Controll with Violence

     Whites attacked the Native Americans at Big Horn in June 26,1876.Native Americans were forced to move into reservations; because Custer wanted to get the "gold" from their land. Native Americans had to assimilate to the American culture in order to be treated as one of them. Sitting Bull moved with his tribe to Standing reservation and was taken off his power; know he became a regular men and had to do his own stuff.
     Native American tribes were forced to give their lands to the Americans and move into reservations. The tribes were free to live as they wanted on their lands or "reservation", as long as they lived peacefully. The government force them to assimilate into the American way  of life; if they didn't agree they were left off and treated unequally. Many Native Americans were infected with many diseases.  Whites instead of giving them medicine, they gave the Native Americans alcohol to relieve their pain; not to disappear the disease. The government controlled all agreements between tribes and they hay no option to deny it. Many Native Americans saw their reservation lands as a way to maintain alive their Native American culture, most of these reservations still exist today and are just the same as they were in the 19th century.
     The Ghost Dance religion was invented by Wovoka. He had a vision during an eclipse of the sin in which he saw Christ coming and received a warning from him about the the evils of the white man. Wovoka spread this religion to free Native Americans from suffering. In order to avoid the white power they had to resurrect the Native Americans by dancing to them. Whites intervene because they thought the new borns will take control and whites would loose power and disappear. Whites told all Native Americans to give up their weapons to avoid them from gaining power. A deft man didn't gave his and all whites became violent and it became a "battle" in which I really consider a massacre.
Big Horn "battle"
     Native Americans had no opinion and no options to make decisions. They had to do everything the white way. Whites gave Native Americans the offer to give their lands to the U.S. government or else their lands would be taken. Native Americans were forced to change their culture and believes. They had to change their religion into Christianity and their names into american names. Native Americans were given only certain portions of food and their hunting habit was very limited; whites controlled what they hunted.
     Whites were manipulative and aggressive people. They killed many innocent and indefensive people. Whites had to have what they wanted when they wanted. They wanted to change the Native American's culture and thats what they did. To achieve this goal they had to use a lot of violence; to me this was something unnecessary in which it could be achieved with other methods others than killing and starvation.