Friday, March 25, 2011

Classmates' Blogs

  1. Arshad: I really liked this post, because I learned about the native americans assimilation; how they had to chance their names, beleive in christianity, and coudnt go against the whites. Native americans coudn't own weaponds and they were obligated to cut their long hair.
  2. Stephanie Ruiz: This post made me realize that the best way for native americans was to assimilate into the white culture. Many problems occured but at the end everyone got what they wanted.
  3. Hector Porrata: This blog is very interesting; because it is about how the white pople wanted to take over Soiux. They forced them to move to smalls camps by useing violence, and tried to assimilate them. Whites had no say, they were forced to do everything the whites wanted.
  4. Carlos: I liked his blog, becouse it was about all the things that the white pople made to native americans. Whites killed many innocent native americans just for a pieaceof land that wasnt even fertile.This shoudnt had happened if they couldjust listen to the native americans.
  5. Keven: This post showed me how native americans were abussed. The white pople took every thing form tthe native americans like it it belonged to them. they dindnt cared how many pople they had to kill to acheive their goal that was taking everything the native americans had.

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