Tuesday, April 19, 2011

TOP 10 proposals

  1. Hector Porrata- I agree with him, since we are the future of this world and we have to pay the concecuences of the olders chosices we should have the right to vote and make our own decisions.
  2. Paulette- Older people after certain age shoudnt be allowed to drive, these people can cause many accidents unconciently and they risk their lifes innocently. Many of the elderly people are blind sight.
  3. Alysha- Handicap people shoudnt be descriminated. They are strong people who had to fight with themselves in order to succeed. No one is perfect and has its defects, but their are different.
  4. Stephanie Ruiz- I really liked her proposal; it was very direct and realistic. Females should be treated just like men, today men and women do the same jobs.
  5. Mykaella- She has a good point if you see it from the gay's perspective. They are human being just like everyone, except that that like people from their same sex and that is no good reason to descriminate them, because it's their life and for being with someone from their same sex they arent hurting no one.
  6. Albert- I totally agree with him. Color shoudnt be the reason to set people apart. No one chooses what color of skin they want to be born with.
  7. Celimar- people who immigrate to the U.S. are treated very bad and they just move to the U.S. looking for a better way of life. I agree with her proposal, because they just want to succeed in life and they are not affecting the U.S. instead they are doing a favor to them, working har and they should receive a higher payment like they deserve.
  8. Jan Paul- his proposal is very realistic and I liked that. I agree with him, because Veterans should be rewarded since they risk their lifes to serve the nation.
  9. Andy- I really learned a lot about catholics in his blog. I never imagined they werent allowed to purchase land, hold civil or military offices or seats in Parliament, inherit property just for being Catholic.
  10. Elsa- I never thought of it before but her proposal is true. Japanese people are allowed to live in the U.S. legally, but are not treated equally eventhough the Bill of Rights states that "all citizens are to be treated equally". Everyone should deserve the same treatment no matter from where you are.

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