Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Immigration of the Germans

     In 1860, Germans leave their country in boats and trains looking for a better feature and a more successful life. They moved to the U.S. country side; due to repetitive violation that was happening in Germany. They have always faced some problems of unity.Germans who weren't born in America united but not all of them because of pride to their home land. Religion also affected them because not all of them were from the same religion and it created conflict.
     I am very happy for those people who had the courage and took the risk of immigrating to another country. Its not easy to leave your culture, friends, family members, and adapting to a different culture. Immigrating is a very hard thing to do, but you need to look for whats best for you and your future family. Life is not easy, but you have to adapt to it and succeed. 

Ellis Island, German Immigrants, 1926
" getting tagged by an official for a railroad trip- Ellis Island 1926"

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